We are very grateful to have our doors open so that we can serve you and our community this silly season. We are following strict hygiene protocols and have our covid safe plan in place. Our QR code is up for you to scan on each visit and masks are recommended inside.
We thank you for your ongoing support ♥
On January 1st, 2022 we are increasing all our service charges by $5.00. Standard Chiropractic appointment will increase to $55 and initial appointments will increase to $105. The latest price survey done by the Australian Chiropractors Association shows that we are still charging less than the average across Australia.

This Week We Are Excited About
Last month Dr Clare attended a dry needling and cupping course. She is now qualified to offer both treatments to her patients.
Dry needling and cupping are just one of the many ways we may be able to help you. If you are interested please contact the clinic and book an extended appointment (30 minutes) with Dr Clare.

Benefits of cupping may include:
- Releases tight muscles
- Improves blood circulation
- Relieves pain

Benefits of dry needling may include:
- Releases tight muscles
- Improves blood circulation
- Relieves pain
- Reduced neurogenic inflammation
- Increases muscle strength
- Improves joint ROM
- Restores normal proprioception
Chiropractic & Chronic Pain
- In Australia almost one in five people aged over 45 have reported chronic pain with it increasing to one in four in adults aged 85 and over.
- Most chronic pain experienced by people around the world is musculoskeletal pain, with low back pain being the single leading cause of disability globally.
- In 2017-2018, there were almost 105,000 hospitalisations involving chronic pain.
- It is estimated that in 2018 chronic pain cost the Australian economy $139 billion in productivity losses.
What is chronic pain?
Pain becomes chronic when a person experiences it for longer than 3 months. In most cases chronic pain has a major impact on a person’s day to day life. Chronic pain can be a symptom of an injury or illness, but it can also be present without a clear reason.
Factors influencing chronic pain:
Chronic pain can be impacted by what is happening in a person’s life. A person’s mood can often have an effect with many people reporting an increase in pain during times of stress. On the flip side people living with chronic pain have reported finding some relief when spending time with family and friends, having fun and feeling loved and cared for.
Treatment for chronic pain:
Generally, a multimodal approach to chronic pain treatment is best. Working with your chiropractor, GP and mental health professional in a collaborative way can help get the best results for people living in chronic pain.
For more information on chronic pain contact Dr Clare Halpin (Chiropractor) at EIR Family Chiropractic and Wellness.
- Disease GBD, Injury I, Prevalence C. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018;392(10159):1789-858.
- Moseley GL, Butler DS. Fifteen Years of Explaining Pain: The Past, Present, and Future. J Pain. 2015;16(9):807-13.
- National Health Survey. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):287.
- Welfare AIoHa. Chronic pain in Australia. 2020.
Remedial Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Relaxation Massage
- Remedial Massage
- Sports Massage
- Pregnancy Massage
- For you
- For someone you love
- For a friend
- For a colleague

Magnesium - an Essential Mineral

If you struggle with one or more of the above symptoms, we recommend booking in for a nutrition consultation with Renee to assess your magnesium intake and requirements.
Did you know that magnesium can be depleted in times of physical and mental stress. This can in turn increase stress levels within the body as magnesium is essential for a healthy stress response. No doubt, most people would have felt very stressed with lockdowns and restrictions.
Many people we see are lacking in Magnesium. Common symptoms of low levels of magnesium can include:
- headaches
- high blood pressure
- anxiety
- trouble falling asleep
- low mood/depression
- fatigue
- muscle twitches
- period pain/PMS
Norway Update
Today is the last day the sun rises above the horizon. It rises at 11:21 and sets at 12:00. We do not actually see the sun for the short 39 minutes as it is hidden behind the mountains. When it sets, it sets until January 9th when it rises for 7 minutes. You read that right. We have over a month of darkness here in the Arctic. But fear not, we have our reflective winter gear ready.
These last 6 months have been full of new experiences that we have enjoyed together as a family. We have hiked to the top of the mountain, basked in the midnight sun, lived off the grid at our log cabin in the wilderness, fished endless amounts of fish from the ocean, and danced under the northern lights. We have learnt how to cook old Viking recipes, how to smoke salmon and how to knit woolen jumpers and socks. The kids have learnt how to build Sami lavvu, fish, cook, bake, sew and whittle at school.
We have been lucky enough to travel a little during this pandemic. We went on a roadtrip to the northernmost tip off Norway and we also travelled to Spain for a week. I also attended a big conference in Trondheim that celebrated the chiropractic profession in Norway turning 101 this year. Next week, we hope to visit Santa Clause and his reindeer in his village in Rovaniemi, Finland.
♥ Miriam
If you want to follow Dr Miriam's adventures in Norway, make sure you follow one or all of her many facebook and instagram accounts.
www.facebook.com/miriam.balteskard www.facebook.com/EIRfcw
@eirfamilychiropracticwellness @aussie.in.the.arctic @drmiriamkendall
@charcky_kenall @loki_and_tora
1. Don't go into debt trying to show people how much you love them.
2. Don't go visit your family if it compromises your mental health.
3. If someone comments on your weight... eat them.
This Week We Are Reading

We Love

Dr Graeme's Deep Tissue Massager delivers a deep yet soothing massage that literally melts away the pain and tension from tired and sore muscles. Easy to use and ideal for those hard to reach tight spots across the neck and shoulders. Developed by Australian Chiropractor, Dr Graeme Blennerhasset, as an aid for his own patients, and now used and recommended by health professionals around the World. Convenient and versatile; this powerful massager un-knots leg, buttock and back muscles as well as arms, shoulders and upper back. Ideal for use after gardening, sport or any spare moment to ease away the day's tension.
A number of years ago Dr Graeme Blennerhasset set out to develop a professional strength massager so that his own patients would be able to better manage their muscular aches and pains. He realized that most massagers only work on the surface and the way that he could make a real difference was to design and manufacture a massager that would penetrate deep into the muscle belly, relax tight muscle fibres and increase blood flow to flush away waste products and other painful chemicals. And it had to do this efficiently, safely and as painlessly as possible.
This led to the creation of the Dr Graeme Deep Tissue Massager. It comes with full instructions and a number of specially shaped massager heads so you can personalize your home care. The machine offers a choice of settings so you can fine-tune the experience so that the message suits your comfort levels and needs. This is a massager that many health professionals use.
Ask Doctor Clare how you can get your hands on one of these!
Lets Connect!
Show us your photos! We love to see how you empower your healer within and nourish your mind, body and soul. Remember to tag us @eirfamilychiropracticwellness
Share your thoughts and wishes with us! What would you like to see at Eir FC&W? What changes and improvements can we make to improve your Eir experience?